Foodie bag a sustainable packaging alternative


Foodie bag a sustainable packaging alternative


Every year 8 million tons of single-use plastic is produced for food and beverages packaging in Europe. Packages like these, become waste after 30 to 45 minutes. FOODIE BAG - an initiative of Fleur Nooij and Kim Nooij - helps the catering industry to become circular by offering a sustainable packaging alternative for food delivery and takeaway. The goal is to reduce the use of single-use plastic, improving the quality of life in our environment and creating awareness about our consumption behaviour. For each catering service we determine the packaging stock, help with the purchase of sustainable packaging, calculate the reuse and savings of disposable plastic and help the company in becoming more sustainable, future-proof and circular.

The goal is to reduce the use of single-use plastic, improving the quality of life in our environment and creating awareness about our consumption behaviour. For each catering service we determine the packaging stock, help with the purchase of sustainable packaging, calculate the reuse and savings of disposable plastic and help the company in becoming more sustainable, future-proof and circular.

We are currently testing the feasibility of FOODIE BAG. The results of this first pilot are very positive. In addition to the financial savings through reuse and the positive impact on our living environment, we have kept 3.000 single-use plastic containers out of circulation. That is 135 kilos of plastic. At one location in only three months. Our partner said the following: “We spend €150 per month on packaging material. That is a high cost for us. With the packaging material from FOODIE BAG we save on our costs and we use less plastic and we have less waste. Our customers are very happy with this.”

Our partner said the following: “We spend €150 per month on packaging material. That is a high cost for us. With the packaging material from FOODIE BAG we save on our costs and we use less plastic and we have less waste. Our customers are very happy with this.”


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Foodie bag a sustainable packaging alternative
  1. a sustainable packaging alternative
  2. creating awareness about our consumption behaviour
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